Friday, March 25, 2011

As Seen In...

Ogden-based tank manufacturer, O.P. Tank, and owner Dennis Barker were recently featured in The Salt Lake Enterprise. Andy helped them expand their plant by nearly double. To find out about other properties Crest Realty is leasing, call Andy @ 801-549-8989.
Check out the article here.  Congratulations on your growth, Dennis!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Crest Realty Welcomes

Crest Realty would like to welcome CocoAbsorb to their new Ogden location at 874 W 26th St.  CocoAbsorb is a universal 100% organic absorbent.  It absorbs 4x more than clay and is perfect for a variety of hazardous liquid spills including oils, fuels, solvents, and chemicals.  Visit their website CocoAbsorb to find out more about their awesome products or to find a local retailer.
Andy McCrady acted as leasing agent for both owner and tenant.  To find out about other properties Crest Realty is leasing, call Andy @ 801-549-8989.